Friday, June 11, 2010

Once upon a time in Mexico city

My love...mi a remarkable woman. I would write songs in her praise... but lets be frank, neither I have the ability nor you have the I will make do by telling you a small story.
We came to this wonderful exotic country called Mexico sometime in May with mixed feelings. On one hand we were excited to see a new country..a new culture , on the other we were scared..primarily because of the dangerous statistics which are abundant on the internet..crime rates..drug know.
In circumstances such as these it is easy to get inside your overly conservative..and then miss all the fun of the new place. But that is not what happened with fact we are having the time of our lives..and the credit goes to her. On the third day in Mexico she realised that the best use of her free time would be to learn the new language..promptly called a few agencies..interviewed some teachers and BAM..on the fourth day in a new country she had made a new friend. From then on with the improving command on the language she has practically become my support system in Mexico. Ordering food..sightseeing..using the local public conveyance..just became so easy..
What is even more remarkable is that she has now started a small business of doing mehendi for the local people by appointment...this way she enjoys her free time and keeps on making new friends..All within the span of less than three weeks. A feat most indian women can't imagine. just can't admire her enough.
Today I have to leave for Dubai for a conference..but I have no concerns about leaving her alone in Mexico at all...she is just so much able to handle her self..that all my misapprehensions have dissipated.
But I am going to miss her and I am sure she is going to miss me...
Well..its just seven days..take care jaan.. I love you..:*

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